Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire. We girls have been leafing through them for years now, ejaculating oohs and aahs at every new creation of the Diors, the Louis Vuittons, the Chanels, the D&Gs. How we would love to pay tribute to their geniuses by draping ourselves in their dresses, shoes, jewelery, cosmetics and perfumes. To feel all female eyes going green with envy and all male ones going goggle-eyed, as we trot about in soft chiffon silks, patent leather adorning our feet, well blended blush on our cheeks, our skin fragrant with fresh roses.

Oh, but I do realize that this is a maha-materialistic dream of the sophistication we can never afford. Not that I have to struggle to make my ends meet. But then there is the house loan I have to pay, and then that laptop I was planning to buy this month. Not to dampen your spirits but there is a very slim chance of my seeing a day when I drop in to Jimmy Choo, to pick up those pumps that I have absolutely been dying for, for the past week. I would more likely just be sighing ‘filmily’ before picking up the phone and calling my gal buddies to my rescue, “Help! I need to shop.” Of course, they will promptly all arrive, knightesses in shining lip gloss and we will waste no time in dilly-dallying.
Com Street, Tibetan Shopping Centre: smart pumps = Rs.600 (no price on request)
Koramangala, Star: Olive green leggings = Rs.200
Forum, Niknish: Artificial red stone danglers = Rs.50

Phew! Feeling better already. Now just create an occasion to have a party. And show off. But we are running out of excuses there. I mean it was ridiculous enough to demand a people-meet-people party from a friend just to get introduced to her new beau. Next, we will be throwing a party because the plumber finally fixed the flush. Euuu…
Then why not show my entire wardrobe off to the entire world in a blog. Yah yah. I know it’ll be just three four people who will take a look out of politeness, mostly because I force them to. I know the writings are not crisp, neither are the photographs glossy. But it’ll be fun. I know I dont have any fancy models to even try on my stuff, but what I heck! It'll be $%^&*#@$ fun!
I don't know about you, but I am all smiles and excited. I wanna try this. Please bear with me. At least wish this thing a happy birthday. Tee hee! So let's begin the fashionbaazi.